Please note: All information in this article, about carbohydrate addicts, is based on the soon to be published book:
The carbohydrate addicts manual!
Written by: Kirsten Plotkin
This book will explain what carbohydrate addiction is - How you get it, what causes it and how it will affect your life. You will discover when the first carbohydrate addicts began to appear. Who and what drove them to an obesity diet and finally - What We Can Do To Cure Carbohydrate Addicts for good- Today!
For almost forty years, we have been bullied and coerced to eat carbohydrates foods instead of foods with protein. We have become carbohydrate addicts not to mention, mere obesity statistics. Worst of all? We are left wide open to type2 diabetes.
I won't say that some new easy diet plan doesn’t work. Who knows, it might reduce your weight. But like a pony trick, it will last only a short time. When you stop the diet, your carbohydrate addicts body returns to normal. Eventually, all your weight loss is back where your body knows it belongs.
When you diet you declare war not only on your body, but on nature. Your body is not built for an easy diet plan and it is not able to process today's carbohydrates foods. No matter how often you try to diet, or how much weight you lose in the process, you will eventually get it all back, plus some. Your carbohydrate addiction guarantees you are destined to join the obesity statistics.
It is not possible for carbohydrate addicts to remain on a diet!
When you start to diet your brain sends a message to your body which says in effect: We have a famine! From then on, any weight you lose is treated as weight lost through starvation. Foods with protein will rarely be on your menu. That's because your cravings for carbohydrates foods will increase to ensure that your body can recover the lost weight.
This is important to all the millions of carbohydrate addicts, who have already lost control. You will join the obesity statistics. But even more serious, you are very likely to get type2 diabetes. Type2 diabetes is a dangerous disease which is entirely diet related.
Can you eat carbohydrates foods and still lose weight on a diet? No! People have tried that for forty years – without success. I’m sure you’ve tried yourself. The fact is diets don’t work! Your body has become programmed to crave carbohydrates foods, and to ignore any signs of carbohydrate addiction . Sure, you can lose weight, but your body will always get it back – sooner or later.
You need to understand; you don’t have a weight problem – you have a carbohydrate addicts problem. You are eating the wrong food, you eat way too much of it and your body doesn’t like that kind of food. Your body is not designed to process the carbohydrates foods we eat today.
Becoming carbohydrate addicts is no accident!
Carbohydrate addiction is the result of meddling by unqualified people which began around 40 years ago. The result can best be described as an epidemic of carbohydrate addicts and staggering obesity statistics.
By not taking action to prevent becoming carbohydrate addicts, we join the millions of other carbohydrate addicts. That means we eventually become obese and exposed to obesity diseases and type2 diabetes.
Am I scaring you? I sure hope so! Chances are nobody else will. Millions of dollars have been staked on growing obesity statistics and YOUR ongoing weight problems. It drives whole industries. Sure they want you to diet they just don’t want you to cure your carbohydrate addiction and lose the weight for good!
To those who are carbohydrate addicts: You must first treat your carbohydrate addiction and allow your body to recover. Then you'll have to change to the foods most people ate naturally thirty - forty years ago. Not till you cure your carbohydrate addiction will you be safe from obesity statistics and type2 diabetes.
Our traditional diet kept us healthy and allowed us to survive and thrive for centuries. Carbohydrate addicts did not become noticeable till around 30 years ago. Before that, the traditional diet worked perfectly without any help from nutritionists; dietitians diet gurus, food manufacturers and multi-national corporations. None of those professions existed back then. Now that they do, they do not want to see a nation of slim people.
We don’t need a balanced diet, we need the diet our body was designed for, the diet we all used when most of us were slim people. That's when carbohydrate addicts were unheard of and it was long before carbohydrate addiction and type2 diabetes, even existed. It was when we listened to our mother’s and grandmother’s and followed our Traditional Diet.
Kirsten Plotkin
carbohydrate addicts
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