Does a diet ever work for good?
Of course not! If a diet should ever appear, and it proved to work permanently. The world would soon hear about. There would be no point in diets thereafter.
What people fail to realize is that before we began to diet, there was no need for diets. Forty years ago, whether by accident or devious design, we were subjected to a fake scare campaign about cholesterol. We were pushed into changing our natural, normal diet to an exact opposite version of it.
No research preceded this radical change. No tests or trial were ever done to determine if such a reversal was even safe for our body. Today we need only look around any public space for the answer: Everybody diets, and everybody is getting fat.
All in all,
it’s not so much whether 2013 will be a good year. The only certainty is that it will be a very
dangerous year. It may be the year you join the expected 86% of people that statistics predict will be obese by 2030.
Think about this for a moment: There is no
more successful and enduring platform on which to build a business – than one
based on a widespread addiction.
There is an
adage that says ‘the best business, or product in the world, is one that feeds
a starving crowd. That’s not quite
true. The best business and product in
the world is one that feeds a ‘legal’ addiction. It is the envy of any successful drug lord.
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