Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle Ready To Destroy Us!

The Shape Of A New Year!

The year has barely begun and already we see a couple of new diets promoting rapid weight loss. Somewhere in the world, a new diet is created almost every day.

Do any of these diets work for good?


If just one diet would do that, we would all know about it. Obviously, there would be no diets required thereafter..

All in all, it’s not so much whether 2013 will be a good year.  The only certainty is that it will be a very dangerous year.  That's because statistics warn that 86% of our population will be obese by 2030.


Why is nobody stopping it?

It always comes back to money.  There is no more successful and enduring platform on which to build a business – than one based on a widespread addiction.


There is an adage that says ‘the best business, or product in the world, is one that feeds a starving crowd.  That’s not quite true.  The best business and product in the world is one that feeds a ‘legal’ addiction.  It is the envy of any successful drug lord.


If you would like to take a few minutes to read the whole article, you'll find it on the link below;

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