Monday, January 14, 2013

The Fat Facts About Greed!

For countless generations, right up till around forty years ago our diet was dominated by protein foods. They were ‘the building blocks of life’. 

The role of protein is to construct and repair our skin, bones, muscle, tissue and organs.  It enables us to grow and to remain strong and healthy.


Without protein, we simply don’t exist.  Fat is another important part of our diet.  It protects us and insulates us against hunger and cold.

We allowed carbohydrates to be the dominant food.  Why?  It helped some people create a new industry and generate some vast profits. 

Read the full article below:

The Fat Facts About Greed!

Protein Complex
Protein Complex (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For countless generations, right up till around forty years ago our diet was dominated by protein foods.  They were was known as ‘the building blocks of life’.  That’s because the role of protein is to construct and repair our skin, bones, muscle, tissue and organs. 

Without protein, we simply don’t exist.  Fat was also an important part of our diet.  It was insulation against hunger and cold.

If you want to learn more you can read the whole article here: 

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why Is Sugar Addiction Protected By Big Business?

English: Rack with Mexican-brand snack food at...
English: Rack with Mexican-brand snack food at a convenience store near Estadio Azteca in Mexico City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Russell Crowe lights up at Cannes
English: Russell Crowe lights up at Cannes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you don’t feel cheated and manipulated by the manufactured food industries. - You should be.  Remember the tobacco industry and what they did?  They had science on their side. But the data came from their own in-house“research facilities”.  Still, at that time, there was no reason not to believe them.
Then a whistle blower finally spilled the beans.  You’ll remember that, because Russell Crowe starred in the movie and it was a big success. 
We now see history repeating itself.  this time with the manufactured, processed food industries.
For the whole story and the video, just click the link below;

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Can A Weight Problem Be Cured For Good?

I wrote an article as a start to a new year. After I published it, I thought it might make a good video. My content always ends up being different, and that’s what happened here. But I think the subjects are compatible. The result can be seen below. If you believe that sugar addiction, or food addiction are not real addictions and are not cause for concern. You need to watch this.


I understand that some people might not like my common sense approach to this subject.everybody.  Perhaps you are a person who wants the science before you will consider the subject relevant. So below is a video, recorded by one of the most expert authorities on the subject. It focuses entirely on the science.

 The Quality of Calories: What Makes Us Fat and Why Nobody Seem to care..


 obesity statistics already show that 60% of people are affected. This is expected to rise to 86% by 2030, what is more important than solving this unnecessary sugar addiction that is affecting the health of millions?

An addiction, whether it is to illegal drugs or legal food substances, are first and foremost about growth and making money. The public is not considered in that equation. Only you can take the steps needed to rid yourself and your family of this addiction. How do you do that?

You'll get a very good start when you visit my website below;

Healthy Lifestyle News

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle Ready To Destroy Us!

The Shape Of A New Year!

The year has barely begun and already we see a couple of new diets promoting rapid weight loss. Somewhere in the world, a new diet is created almost every day.

Do any of these diets work for good?


If just one diet would do that, we would all know about it. Obviously, there would be no diets required thereafter..

All in all, it’s not so much whether 2013 will be a good year.  The only certainty is that it will be a very dangerous year.  That's because statistics warn that 86% of our population will be obese by 2030.


Why is nobody stopping it?

It always comes back to money.  There is no more successful and enduring platform on which to build a business – than one based on a widespread addiction.


There is an adage that says ‘the best business, or product in the world, is one that feeds a starving crowd.  That’s not quite true.  The best business and product in the world is one that feeds a ‘legal’ addiction.  It is the envy of any successful drug lord.


If you would like to take a few minutes to read the whole article, you'll find it on the link below;

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle Ready To Destroy Us!

Does a diet ever work for good?

Of course not! If a diet should ever appear, and it proved to work permanently.  The world would soon hear about.  There would be no point in diets thereafter.

What people fail to realize is that before we began to diet, there was no need for diets.  Forty years ago, whether by accident or devious design, we were subjected to a fake scare campaign about cholesterol.  We were pushed into changing our natural, normal diet to an exact opposite version of it.

No research preceded this radical change.  No tests or trial were ever done to determine if such a reversal was even safe for our body.  Today we need only look around any public space for the answer: Everybody diets, and everybody is getting fat.

All in all, it’s not so much whether 2013 will be a good year.  The only certainty is that it will be a very dangerous year.  It may be the year you join the expected 86% of people that statistics predict will be obese by 2030.

Think about this for a moment: There is no more successful and enduring platform on which to build a business – than one based on a widespread addiction.

There is an adage that says ‘the best business, or product in the world, is one that feeds a starving crowd.  That’s not quite true.  The best business and product in the world is one that feeds a ‘legal’ addiction.  It is the envy of any successful drug lord.

If you want to read this article in full, you'll find a link below.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A short cut to Sugar Addiction!

It is natural and normal to want a healthy lifestyle.  Most of us see it as the right way to good living.  But what if you were to find out that today's healthy options are just a short cut to a sugar addiction?

Far-fetched? Unbelievable?   Not when you remember the tobacco industry scandal some twenty years ago. They were exposed as liars.  They were disgraced in court and their actions and behavior were published in every newspaper in the world. 

A few people were made an example.  As to the rest, it was business as usual. To this day they continue to sell their poison to our children.

The cereal and snack food industries could not fail to succeed when they copied the tobacco industry.

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