Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What Are Non Processed Foods?

What are non processed foods? They are the natural foods nature provided for a healthy body.  They kept us lean and fit right up till 40 years ago when we decided to replace them with processed food. 

This was an age when we thought we could do better than nature.  We could produce food in factories and processing mills and actually believe it was a superior type of food. Many were labelled weight loss foods. 

Once we realized the only weight loss foods that work,  are those our body has been designed for.  It was already too late.  Today we all agree we cant stop eating. Why? We have become addicted to processed food. bit.ly/1tM6Lmy

Monday, August 4, 2014

How To Stop Overeating!

Till forty years ago, nobody needed to ask how to stop overeating.  Today it has become part of our culture.  What changed?  Our diet changed. We stopped eating the best food for weight loss – nature’s food.
You may wonder why we did that. But the answer is really quite simple.  Our diet changed from something handed down to us from our parents and grandparents. To something concocted in a factory, to make money for a new industry.

The reason we cant stop eating is because we are no longer eating the best foods for our body.  Processed food was never designed to become part of our diet.  Our body is not designed to adapt to it.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What is the best food to eat for weight loss? It must be the food our body is designed to process. What else CAN it be?  We have an age old digestive system that has not had an upgrade for at least 70,000 years. There is no indication that it will change in the next 70,000 years.

Putting modern, human-made, processed food into our body and expecting that to be a good thing, borders on madness.  To prove how crazy that really is, we need only look at the average human body today.
It is fat, often obese.  It looks unhealthy.  It is likely to be on the road to diabetes type2.  It quite possibly has heart disease and a sugar addiction. Colon and bowel cancers are both highly likely to occur.  Life expectancy is decreasing and we are slowly, but surely driving ourselves to extinction. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Millions are made on the foods for weight loss that are killing us.  They are not the foods our body wants.  They are simply the weight loss foods that make money.  We cant stop eating them, because we’re addicted.  
The right foods for weight loss have become lost in translation.  The are not the weight loss foods our body wants and understands.  They are simply the foods that profit from our addiction. What are the right foods for weight loss? To qualify as weight loss foods they must first be the foods that our own body knows and understands.   bit.ly/1zBWpJt