Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obesity Statistics – What’s the problem? - Watch video


Obesity statistics – What’s the problem?

We know from current obesity statistics that eighty percent of us will be fat by 2020.  We have just ten years to turn this around.

Is this another anti- human intervention – story?  Absolutely!

It is time to take a closer look at the diet industry.  What stops us from losing weight?  Most answers tend to bounce right back at us like: We failed the diet. We went back to normal food after the diet. We cheated on the diet and so on...Nobody ever blames the diet.

Instead we blame ourselves.  We feel bad we lose confidence, self esteem and trust in our own resolve to lose weight for good.  We end up in a pattern of deprivation, guilt, bingeing and hopelessness.

A book called The Carbohydrate Addict’s Manual will be published online within the next few weeks. It will turn the diet industry on its head.  In fact it will prove to us all why diets never works. They can’t, the human body is not designed for diets.

When we diet our brain signals Famine!  Our body slows down and prepares to store fat.  When the famine is over the body will restore all the lost weight as soon as we return to a normal lifestyle.

The more we diet the more weight we will gain. That is because each time we experience a famine, our body will store a little extra weight to protect us against the next famine.

The book explains how and when it all began.  Who sowed the seeds for our present obesity epidemic and what we can do to both reverse it, and prevent it - at least in our own family.

The obesity statistics have been caused by yet another human intervention to improve on nature. Not by science, not by medicine but by people who saw a new way to get a career, a business or an industry.

According to the book, it is time to make people accountable for their statements and actions.  This kind of misinformation is a luxury our state of health can no longer afford.

As with all things, not until we know why we have a problem can we settle on a solution and be sure it is the right one.

Kirsten Plotkin


Monday, August 23, 2010

The Carbohydrate Addict’s Manual V Diabetes Facts

I realize the things I talk about are confronting, but I speak

from the heart through genuine concern about where we are all

heading.  I talk about how to avoid it, while knowing full well 

that the odds are, most of you will end up at that bad place no

matter what I say.


That’s a tragedy because it doesn’t have to end there.


I’m sure you wonder; why isn’t all the really important people

talking about this?


I think there are a few good reason.


We have to first consider the industries that have mushroomed

and flourished on the back of a forty year deluge of

misinformation.  These are powerful people. Their advertising

revenue helps support governments as well as science and

medical careers.


Then we have the many smaller industries and niche markets

where businesses and careers depend on this misinformation.

They often practice their profession in complete ignorance of

the facts. The trouble is, what they do it is equally



People build careers on a commitment to whatever truth they have

been taught. Even if it is completely false!


The hardest thing of all to change is a lifestyle.  We ended up

on this dangerous track because we completely changed our


We were tricked into believing we had to do so to avoid an

apparent,but false, epidemic of high cholesterol.


So we come to the audience, the people who truly need this

information. People like yourself who recognize the logic of what

I say but cannot bring yourself to act.  It’s too hard! It’s

hopeless! It’s whatever!  Know that this is your addiction

talking - not you.


Sure! It is not easy to deal with addiction but it’s not nearly

as hard as you think and it is far more rewarding than you can

possibly imagine right now.


I hope you take heed of the seriousness of what I write. It won’t

cost you a cent to follow the articles and videos I post on my

blogs and hopefully it will bring you to the realization that you

need to take action and you need to read my book; The carbohydrate

Addict’s Manual, as soon as it is published in a few weeks time.

Kirsten plotkin

The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet V Obesity Statistics

Friday, August 20, 2010

New video. Couldn't wait to show you!

Hi again. It's election time here so I don't have a lot of spare time.
I wanted you to get another video before the week is over.
 Hope you like it!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Video about the Carbohydrate Addict's diet!

Are you a carbohydrate addict's victim?  Maybe this will tell
A video for you

Do you ever wonder why it seems like everybody is getting fat?
Unfortunately, if you're not already affected, there is a very high
chance you will be by the end of this decade. This is where
you'll get some answers!