Monday, September 17, 2012

Carbohydrate Addiction, Is It Real?

Despite everything I knew about carbohydrate addiction and how to avoid it, how could I still let it happen to me?

I spent 20 years yoyo dieting and persistently gaining weight.  I became frozen in indecision.  I began to lose my confidence and self-esteem.  What brought me to my senses?  I asked myself a very simple question:  Why, till I was age 43, had I never had a weight problem, nor had I ever been on a diet.

What changed to make me change?  My mistake had been to listen to people who called themselves ‘experts’.  Instead I should have listened to my innate “BS” barometer that kept screaming: ‘this is all wrong’!  So I ask you; is my mistake about carbohydrate addiction also your mistake?


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