Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Real Truth About Carbohydrate Addicts!

What is the biggest obstacle to losing weight?

Maybe it is the bombardment of conflicting advice, 

which leaves us uncertain about who to trust. It 

could also be that on some level we are all aware 

that none of the diet advice we are pounded with 

today is backed up by either facts or logic. It 

also does not consider carbohydrate addict’s, or 

their addiction.

Before you put anything into your body should you 

not first know how your body works and what effect 

it is likely to have? Most people used to know 

that. But since diets began, all matters concerning

our body have been handed over to people who have 

no interest in how the body works or feels. Their 

interest is confined to ways they can influence us

on what we put into the body.

Fundamental information about your body is not 

rocket science. Unfortunately, people no longer 

seem prepared to share that information. They 

prefer to shroud it in mystery and quasi science. 

That may be because you can only remain an ‘expert’ 

as long as you possess exclusive knowledge.

It’s critical for us to know what happens when we 

eat the wrong food. The thing is, once we know it,

we can only come to one irrefutable conclusion: 

Diets don’t work.  They can’t because the body does

not allow it.  This is the truth so called ‘experts’ 

fear. At least those who know how the body works. 

Many do not!

Is it any wonder the people who profit from our 

weight problems either don’t know the facts, or they 

do not want YOU to know them?  Not knowing is what 

leaves us powerless to challenge the next charlatan 

who can show us a completely new way to lose weight.

As long as we don’t understand our own body we are 

easily persuaded to follow any diet guru who offers 

us hope. 

I’m going to ask one simple question: When people 

started to diet 40 years ago were they mostly slim?

The easy answer by anyone who was an adult at that 

time is a simple Yes!  In less that forty years of 

dieting, we have gone from a majority of slim people 

to a majority of fat people and every statistic 

indicates that in another decade 80% of us will be 

fat– and that number will still increase.

Based only on basic anatomy, something we should all 

know, we have to conclude that diets do not work!  

In fact there is an extremely good case to suggest 

that diets are the cause of the obesity epidemic 

and the looming type2 diabetic epidemic we see today.

If you don’t know how your body works how are you 

expected to know what kind of food to eat?

When you get a pet, don’t you first ask what kind of 

food to give it?  Do you really want to trust other 

people, who have their own agenda to tell you what 

to put into your body?

The thing is once you know, in simple terms, how 

your body works, you will know exactly what to feed 

it and what not to feed it.  You will quickly realize 

that diets truly don’t work and will stop you from 

any chance of ever losing your weight for good.

If you want to learn more about this you will find

more articles and several videos on my blog. You'll 

also find a free Mini Manual you can download.

Kirsten Plotkin

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