Thursday, November 4, 2010

The secret carbohydrate addicts epidemic!

Have you noticed how everyone seems to get fat

and end up carbohydrate addicts?

This is because of what we choose to eat, right?

YES AND NO! People who are carbohydrate addicts

don't really have a choice.

It is very easy to join the 60% of the population who are already carbohydrate addicts.


Ask yourself this: - Does an alcoholic choose to have one drink and go? Can a nicotine addict stop smoking whenever they want? Do all those people clinging to a poker machine, stop playing when they lose their limit? No matter what the addiction – by definition: You Have Lost Control. Those who urge you to eat a low carb diet are the same kind of people who tell an alcoholic to stick to one drink.

You cannot stop the spread of carbohydrate addicts till they have been cured.

I don’t care what anybody else says; being fat is NOT ok. It might have been ok when there was no choice, but there is a choice. Carbohydrate addicts can be cured I’m living proof of that. All we have to do is recognize it and cure our addiction. You see, I can prove, what has caused not just me, but around 60% of everybody else to get fat and become carbohydrate addicts. I know the reason, I know when it started and I know who and what caused it. Carbohydrate addicts can be cured. Once you know how – you too can cure your carbohydrate addiction and lose the weight for good! First, let’s get one thing clear: This is not about a diet. I’m sure you know by now, diets don’t work. Why? - Your body won’t let them. That’s because our body was never designed to digest the carbohydrates foods we eat today, or to diet to lose the weight we gain as a consequence. Till 40 years ago, nobody would have dreamed of dieting. When you limit your food your body responds to famine. It panics and sends out a message to slow down and begin to store body fat. That's not the kind of FAT you eat. It’s the kind of fat your body manufactures. It comes from all those carbohydrates you eat – those you’ve not been able to burn off in energy. Your body converts all carbohydrates foods into glucose. That’s your body’s fuel. There are no ‘special’ carbohydrates that get ‘special’ treatment. What you do not use for energy is converted to fat and stored on your body. What you need to learn is: When you think FAT - you should think carbohydrate. Few people today spend nearly enough energy. When the carbohydrates you eat in a day – begin to exceed the energy you can spend - your body starts to grow fat. This is how people become FAT carbohydrate addicts on a low carb diet. Two things are important about that. 1. Your body can only burn the amount of glucose you spend on energy. 2. There is no option for your body to store glucose. It is forced to store it as body fat. In a famine/diet you will spend even less energy than usual. When the diet/famine is over, your body will do all it can to recover whatever weight you have lost. That’s Nature and it's why obesity statistics will continue to rise. Mother Nature always wins. It will even add a little extra fat for protection against the next famine. Are you beginning to get the picture? If you and your family are carbohydrate addicts, you can’t afford to do nothing. Obesity statistics tell us that at current trends, 80% of us will be fat by 2020. That’s just a decade away. Will you and your family be among them? In my book, The carbohydrate Addicts Manual, I will reveal everything. I’ll teach you exactly what to do, every step of the way. I will motivate you with information that will make you want to stick with it. If you follow the book, you WILL lose the weight and it WILL stay off – for good. Human beings were not meant to be fat. Mother Nature didn’t design us to be carbohydrate addicts. We broke the laws of nature by foolishly allowing untrained people to reverse our traditional diet. Don't reward them with yet another diet. About carbohydrate addicts

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